Below you will find the main methodological characteristics of MapBiomas Argentina for producing land cover and land use maps and transitions between different years.
You can access the ATBD (Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document) with a complete description of the methodology and algorithms by following the link:
MapBiomas Argentina Collection 1 – ATBD
The ATBD is a document that is updated in each collection with new information and learnings. There is a General ATBD for MapBiomas Argentina with a set of annexes detailing specific characteristics in the classification of different regions.
All annual land cover and land use maps of the MapBiomas Trinational Atlantic Forest are produced from the pixel-by-pixel classification of Landsat satellite images. The whole process is carried out on the Google Earth Engine platform which offers immense cloud processing capabilities.

To carry out the mapping, specialist teams in remote sensing, programming, conservation, and land use are organized into 5 teams covering the Chaco region, the Atlantic Forest, the Pampas region, the Puna, the Monte and High Andes, and Patagonia. This ensures that there are skilled teams with knowledge of the terrain covering the extent and diversity of landscapes.
The diagram below illustrates the main stages of the process for generating annual land cover and land use maps and transitions for MapBiomas Argentina.