Here you can find the maps used as reference by MapBiomas Argentina for training classification algorithms and validating the quality of the project's automatic classifications. These references come from various organizations and have varied temporal and geographical scales.

Some of these maps are not yet publicly accessible as they are in the process of publication. When they become available, their corresponding link will be added to allow direct data download from the original source.

Name of the mapSource or authorDescriptionYearLink
Soil Cover of the Argentine Republic (LCCS-FAO)INTALand Cover and Land Use of the Argentine Republic on an Exploratory Scale (E 1:500,000) using the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS-FAO)2006-2007Access
First Inventory of Native Forests in ArgentinaSAyDSMonitoring of vegetation units for the native forest sector (Scale 1:250,000)2005Access
Forest Assessment Management Unit (UMSEF)MAyDSMonitoring of native forests in Argentina for the detection, quantification, and tracking over time of natural and/or anthropogenic processes that modify the structure and/or extent of these ecosystems.(2002-2018)Access
National Crop Map - 2021-2022 CampaignINTAMap of extensive crops covering the majority of Argentina's agricultural area with a resolution of 30 meters.2021-2022Access
National Crop Map – 2020-2021 CampaignINTAMap of extensive crops covering the majority of Argentina's agricultural area with a resolution of 30 meters.2020-2021Access
National Crop Map – 2019-2020 CampaignINTAMap of extensive crops covering the majority of Argentina's agricultural area with a resolution of 30 meters.2019-2020Access
National Crop Map – 2018-2019 CampaignINTAMap of extensive crops covering the majority of Argentina's agricultural area with a resolution of 30 meters.2018-2019
Crop Campaign MapsINTAAnnual survey of summer and winter extensive crop campaigns in the Northwest of Argentina.(2001-2017)Access
Land Cover of Salta and Jujuy (LCCS-FAO)IDESA2013 Update of the Land Occupation and Current Land Use Map at an exploratory scale (E 1:500,000), using the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) by Di Gregorio et al., 1998.2013Access
Productive Information on Citrus Crops (SENASA)RIDES Ministry of Productive Development. Government of Tucumán.Survey of productive units by the National Service for Agrifood Health and Quality (SENASA).2015Access
Productive information on Blueberry CultivationRIDES Ministry of Productive Development. Government of Tucumán.2016Access
Copernicus Global Land Service: Land Cover 100m: collection 3Buchhorn et al. 2020The land cover maps provide spatial information about different types of land surface coverage, such as forests, grasslands, croplands, lakes, or wetlands.2019Access
Global Forest Change 2000–2015University of MarylandResults from the analysis of Landsat image time series to characterize the extent and change of forests at a global scale between 2000 and 2015.2015Access
ESRI 10m Annual Land Use Land Cover (2017-2022)Karra et al. 2021.Annual global time series of land use and land cover (LULC) maps. Currently available data covers the years 2017 to 2022. The maps are derived from Sentinel-2 images from the European Space Agency (ESA) with a resolution of 10 meters.2022Access